Gender Differences in Programming Among Primary School Students in Japan


  • Michiyo Oda Reitaku University
  • Yoko Noborimoto Tokyo Gakugei University
  • Minami Endo Iwamatsu Middle School
  • Tatsuya Horita Tohoku University



gender gap, programming, primary school students, expectancy-value model


This study aimed to examine gender differences in primary school students’ motivation and social factors in learning programming in Japan. The expectancy-value model was used to survey 6th-grade primary school students at the end of the school year. The results revealed that expectancy (self-efficacy) and intrinsic value were significantly lower for girls than for boys. In addition, the psychological cost was significantly higher for girls than boys. This means that girls have lower self-efficacy for programming, less interest in programming, and higher fear of programming failure than boys. This study supports gender differences in motivation and social factors related to programming already at the primary school level. These differences may affect future education trajectories and career choices.


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