Investigation of Latent Effects and Changes of Adult Learners at Colleges or Graduate Schools


  • Yuya Yokoyama Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology
  • Takaaki Hosoda Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology
  • Morihiko Ikemizu Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology
  • Tokuro Matsuo Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology



adult learner, multiple regression analysis, standardized partial regression coefficient


In contemporary society, where radical changes of social structures are being taking place, it is getting more important for adult learners to study to obtain new knowledge and skills. From these circumstances, what triggers adult learners to study and what prevents them from learning are greatly emphasized. There are several forms of study motivation: getting a certification, seeking new career paths, or simply academic interest, among others. However, Japan is behind other countries when it comes to adult relearning due to various hurdles along the way. Meanwhile, recurrent education is attracting attention along with the widespread use of various education methods to handle multiple demands. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the potential factor of study motivation of adult learners and to grasp what motivates or prevents their relearning. As a first phase, we formulate four hypotheses regarding the relationships between study motivation and achievement. These hypotheses are then validated using questionnaire targeting adult learners. As a result of analysis, the relationships between before and after studying at college or graduate school can be observed. It could also be implied that the questionnaire targeting adult learners who completed college or graduate school would be effective in examining effects and changes.


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