Clinical Reasoning and Decision Making through Knowledge Networks and Abduction

A Sustainable Framework based on Eduinformatics




clinical reasoning, clinical decision making, knowledge networks, abductive reasoning, eduinformatics


This study examines the integration of clinical decision making processes with knowledge networks and abductive reasoning in nursing practice, proposing a sustainable framework based on eduinformatics. While clinical reasoning traditionally relies on deductive and inductive approaches, the complexity of modern healthcare demands more sophisticated decision-making methodologies. Through analysis of clinical cases and reasoning patterns, we demonstrate how abductive reasoning complements traditional approaches, particularly in situations where complete information is unavailable. The knowledge network theory provides a structured framework for understanding how clinical knowledge is created, shared, and applied. By integrating these elements through eduinformatics, we develop a comprehensive approach that enhances clinical reasoning capabilities in nursing education and practice. This framework offers a systematic way to improve clinical decision-making while maintaining sustainability in increasingly complex healthcare environments.


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