A Preliminary Analysis of Patent Applications and Inter-regional Knowledge Flows by Companies Driving Regional Growth in Japan


  • Katsuhiro Suzuki J. F. Oberlin University




Regional Innovation, Knowledge Flow, Patents, SMEs


In this study, based on the patent applications filed by the “companies driving regional growth” (certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan), their IP activities and inter-regional knowledge flows are investigated. These companies are quite active in patent application activities, especially in the manufacturing industry. According to the analysis of their joint patent applications, it is found that they build inter-firm networks beyond regional boundaries to engage in knowledge creation. In addition, comparing the patents in 2000s and those in 2010s, the average distance between multiple applicants in joint patent applications increases significantly. The result suggests that "proximity of partner organizations", which has been emphasized in the context of industrial agglomeration and knowledge creation theory, is losing the importance with the development of the information technologies.


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