The I-E-O-L Model and Student Survey Management

Extended the I-E-O Model and its Application




I-E-O-L model, Student growth, Panel data, Student survey management


This study proposes the I-E-O-L model as a new framework that adds a fourth component (L: life career) to the basic student survey I-E-O model. These four components include information that cannot be known without questioning students, for instance, their level of satisfaction with classes. Therefore, questionnaire surveys are necessary to collect this information. If surveys are conducted discretely across campus, they must be reframed and consolidated as a series of surveys collected at appropriate times as panel data based on the I-E-O-L model in order to assess and track student growth and learning outcomes. Using the I-E-O-L model, we attempted to visualize the implementation of surveys on campus, and their characteristics and problems became clear, allowing us to focus specifically on improving the efficiency and sophistication of survey operations. These findings suggest that the I-E-O-L model and its applications are useful for the management of student survey implementation.


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