The Designing Framework for Flipped Learning Environment on Metaverse to Enhance Mathematical Conceptual Understanding for Seven Grade Students


  • Patinya Weruwanaruk Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University
  • Issara Kanjung
  • Weerachai Sarakorn
  • Nutthakarn Moeikao



Flipped Learning Environment, Mathematical Conceptual Understanding, Metaverse


The purpose of this research was to synthesize the theoretical framework for Flipped Learning Environment on Metaverse to Enhance Mathematical Conceptual Understanding for Seven Grade Students. The target group consisted of three experts reviewing document and designed framework and 29 students in Grade 7, who study in a school in Khon Kaen province. Documentary and survey research were adopted in this study. This research was conducted in four stages: 1) examining and analyzing the principles and theories, 2) reviewing literature, 3) studying relevant contexts, and 4) synthesizing the designing framework for the Flipped Learning Environment.   The research instruments were survey a synthesis record of theoretical framework, a synthesis record of design framework, and evaluation form for experts. Data were analyzed by using descriptive and analytical summary interpretation. The results revealed that the theoretical framework consisted of five foundations: 1) Contextual Basic 2) Fundamentals of Learning Psychology 3) Pedagogical Fundamentals  4) Fundamentals of Mathematical Conceptual Understanding 5) media theory and technology base. And the designing framework consisted of four stages: 1) activating of cognitive structure and enhancing mathematical conceptual understanding, 2) promoting cognitive balance 3) enhancing knowledge construction and mathematical conceptual understanding, and 4) supporting knowledge construction. The Flipped Learning Environment was comprised of seven components as following: 1) problem base, 2) resources, 3) related case 4) mathematical conceptual understanding center 5) collaboration 6) scaffolding and 7) coaching.


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