To predict first-year grades by including data on relationships with people inside and outside the university


  • Naruhiko Shiratori Kaetsu University



Dropout, Predicting Performance, relation data, Random Forest, Logistic Regression


In this study, in order to predict first-year credits, an important indicator for preventing students from dropping out of college, we created a model using three types of data: basic data before entering college, relationship data with non-students, and credit data, and conducted comparative verification for each combination of the three types of data. In the experiment, the accuracy of the model improved as the number of data was increased from basic data, relationship data, and unit data. In order to accurately predict students at high risk of dropping out, the number of credits for the spring semester of the first year should be available after the number of credits is available, but in order not to overlook high-risk students, we used a logistic regression model with an awareness of recall and showed that prediction is possible to some extent using basic data and relational data.


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