How to Enroll Industrial Collaborators in the Nascent Ac-ademic Entrepreneurship Under Uncertainty: A Concept Model


  • WEI LIU Chongqing University



Enrolling industrial collaborators is an ideal method for academia seeking commercialization of their research findings. We define and delineate novelty types of uncertain for academic entre-preneurs in the cooperative entrepreneurship contexts: the struggles to establish social ties with potential collaborators and hardness to strengthen the cooperative relationship. In developing our theory, we employ a two-stage model to uncover how academic entrepreneurs intentionally target desired pre-commitment towards industrial collaborators and then how they achieve sustained commitment to ultimately set up a company. Herein, we add important insights to complete the model. On one hand, individual proximity provides an important path for network construction and is regulated by reputation in the former stage. On the other hand, sufficient information feed-back and knowledge sharing are required to engage both of them in the entrepreneurial journey in the latter one. Overall, we put forward the conceptual the model to illustrate this process.


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