Effects and Limitations of University Information Disclosure: A Study on the Impact on University Choice


  • Nozomi Yoshida University of the Ryukyus
  • Rie Mori National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education




This study aims to find an effective way of career-path selection for high school students by clarifying the impact of such educational information on the university choices of prospective students. In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey targeting university students to ex-amine whether the information required to be disclosed by universities was perceived at the time of university selection and to what extent this information was helpful in making their university choices. Results showed that the perception of university educational information was overall low, but for the information that was perceived, it was generally shown to help make career choices. Besides, differences in respondents' attributes such as post-graduation career aspira-tions, academic fields at the university, and entrance exam formats also showed variations in perception and usefulness. These results imply the value of the information provided for choosing the college and the major academic field in relation to the future career path.


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R Core Team.: R : A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation forStatistical Computing, Vienna, Austria (2024). URL https://www.R-project.org/.


