Next Normal Teaching and Learning: Perceptions and Readiness of Pre-Service Teachers to Promote Critical and Creative Thinking


  • Pornpisut Duangngern Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University
  • Parama Kwangmuang Department of Innovation, Technology and Learning Science. Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University
  • Lan Thi Nguyen



Critical and Creative Thinking, Pre-service Teachers, Perceptions, Readiness


This study aimed to investigate how pre-service teachers enrolling in Bachelor of Education programs perceived and were prepared for critical and creative thinking, as well as the use of technology based on student ability. The research data set was obtained from self-assessment questionnaire regarding how pre-service teachers perceived critical and creative thinking and the readiness of technology usability. The descriptive statistics from an online survey show that all respondents’ level of readiness for teaching critical and creative thinking is at Level 2 and the pre-service teachers tend to integrate a variety of technologies into classroom. It was inferred that the pre-service teachers had challenges in using digital tools as a teaching and learning tool in the classroom. Notwithstanding these challenges, pre-service teacher professional development programs should promote stronger curricula that address critical and critical thinking as well as the integration of technology to enable pre-service teachers to become a powerful agent for promoting change in the classroom.


Author Biographies

Parama Kwangmuang, Department of Innovation, Technology and Learning Science. Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University



Lan Thi Nguyen




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